Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Whats the best Natural Hair Dye?


Whats the best Natural Hair Dye?

try Naturtint Its completely natural with no ammonia and no resorcinol which is really bad for your hair!

Whats the best Natural Hair Dye?

buy some henna

Whats the best Natural Hair Dye?

Someone asked this the other day and a bunch of people put henna, do not use it or any other vegetable dyes. It will stain your hair permanently. You won't be able to get rid of it except to grow it out. Bleach won't even lift it. And it will more than likely be really dark. I don't know if there is anything else out there that's natural but make sure you read the box really carefully.

Good luck.

Whats the best Natural Hair Dye?


Whats the best Natural Hair Dye?

Rosemary %26amp; Sage Hair Darkener

Combine 闄?cup fresh rosemary with 闄?cup fresh sage and steep in a cup of boiling water for about 15 minutes. Strain and apply the liquid to towel dried hair for 15 閳?20 minutes and rinse for darker hair. Try this rosemary and sage recipe to help cover gray hair.

Rhubarb Blonde Hair Solution

Take one cup of rhubarb bark and soak it in 2 cups of alcohol overnight. Strain the bark from the alcohol, and treat light hair with the solution to make it more blonde. Leave it in shampooed hair for 15 閳?20 minutes, then rinse and style as usual.

Henna Hair Dye

Henna is a popular way to dye the hair naturally and will produce a red color. Crush 3 tablespoons of henna leaves and steep in 1 cup of warm water overnight. Strain and add 1 tablespoon of alcohol.

Natural Lemon Highlights Hair Solution

For blonde highlights in light colored hair, mix lemon juice with chamomile tea. Steep about a cup of dried chamomile with 3 cups of water to make the tea, and add 1 cup of lemon juice to complete the solution. Pour this solution over shampooed hair that is still damp, and expose hair to the sun for an hour for best results. Repeat this treatment several times each week for a month for more of a dramatic change in color.

Indigo %26amp; Henna Brown Hair Tint

This recipe is best for light hair that is being dyed a shade of light brown. Crush a little over a 闄?cup of indigo with 褰?cup of henna. Combine with one cup of warm water and let sit overnight. Strain, and apply to clean hair for 20 minutes and rinse.

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